Well, it has been a good three weeks since Hypercharge Unboxed launched on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S and we all love a success story as gamers, don’t we? The team at Digital Cybercherries have done themselves proud with a two-year stretch working on porting the game over to the Xbox family of consoles. With the latest recording of over 65,000 copies sold on the Xbox store and a plethora of five-star reviews, it isn’t hard to see why it has been so successful. I covered the game with a review scoring it top marks and rightly so. You can read my review HERE!

Just a few days ago, a good friend of mine, Luke Lohr of Xbox Expansion Pass, interviewed Joe Henson, Creative Gameplay and Marketing Director of Digital Cybercherries. Here we gain some fantastic insights into how the game came to light, how they chose the name, the road to bringing the game to market on Xbox and a whole lot more. Be sure to check out Xbox Expansion Pass and show Luke some love.


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