Bunfest Returns to Trove for an EGG-ceptionally HOP-py Event
EGG-static Trovians are welcome to PEEP this EGG-stra special holiday event that’s too HOP to EGG-nore! Gamigo is HOP-py to announce the return of the BUNNY-est event in its voxel-based…
EGG-static Trovians are welcome to PEEP this EGG-stra special holiday event that’s too HOP to EGG-nore! Gamigo is HOP-py to announce the return of the BUNNY-est event in its voxel-based…
Oh my, Trovians, have you heard the news? Trove has been overrun with a bountiful bunanza of bopping bunnies! From the lush Medieval Highlands to sun-baked Geode Topside, from the…