I’ve met some fantastic people throughout my time in gaming journalism that truly love the industry, and have a real passion for not just gaming, but content creation. I’m someone who loves to put himself out there in the gaming community, i enjoy writing, reviewing, and corresponding with developers and PR professionals, but what I enjoy most—and what motivates this mildly washed-up video game journalist—are the people.

Without the players and their personality, gaming is nothing. Yes, there are those fan boys and fan girls that go too far, but as long as there is a love for gaming, there is no gatekeeping, the thoughts are clean, and there is no sexism, everyone’s perspective is valid.

We all love our games, and we may all have a favourite system, but at the end of the day, games are just plastic boxes that we spend our hard-earned money on, and the only people who profit from console wars are the avaricious companies that manufacture them. In other words, just enjoy the competition that keeps games fresh; without it, games would be subpar.

I have met some incredibly wonderful people over my gaming life, and Completexbox and the community has become like a family to me. There are many people who are aware of my deep love for them; we have really developed into excellent friends, Great mates some might say!

However, there is one person, I wish the whole world could meet and that is Duncan Voice.


I have a lot of time for Duncan, a genuine great person, with wonderful takes on, not just gaming, but on life itself. Someone who is always willing to help, wears his heart on his sleeve, and produces fantastic content.

You may remember Dunc’s Voice’s Indie Choices Segment from the fabulously entertaining Gamers Watch Podcast, I do! I have the merch, quite literally, a pride and joy for me!

Well Dunc’s is back after a short break, and producing content again via his own gaming channel, and I want you all to witness this fantastic gent’s content, because it’s truly a passion project, wonderfully narrated, and created with the highest production values.

So please, please, show Dunc’s some love on his new adventure, which was always going to involve his love for indie games. I’ve included his latest youtube video’s below, please like and subscribe to his content on Youtube, you will be thoroughly entertained.



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