Square Enix has teased its announcement of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, which is coming to Xbox One at some point in the future.
The first reveal comes via a magazine cover from Game Informer, which shows Adam Jensen returning as the main protagonist.
“Set in 2029, two years after the events of Human Revolution, Adam Jensen returns and joins forces with an Interpol-funded task force aiming to hunt down and capture augmented terrorists in a world that now hates and fears transhumans. Jensen has a new suite of augmentations that allow him to cleverly navigate stealth, combat, and social interactions, but how Jensen chooses to solve every problem is entirely up to you.”
Mankind Divided will include improved stealth and combat systems, as well as the ability to hack objects and a ‘nanoshield’.
There are also some sneaky screenshots found on NeoGaf, which might be of interest to you below.
So what do you think guys, a new-gen Deus Ex title, yay or nay?