Update 11 has now launched for Elite Dangerous: Odyssey, adding interior environments to Drake-Class Carriers that players can explore on-foot for the very first time. It also brings a new Protect mission type to the game, offering additional first-person combat challenges to complete.


Players can now use Fleet Carriers as social hubs, enjoying the breathtaking first-person views of space while inside these mobile bases. These interiors offer Elite Dangerous: Odyssey players the variety of features and facilities they’re used to at a starport or outpost concourse, and owners can add familiar services on a modular basis: Pioneer Supplies, Vista Genomics and the Shipyard can all be made accessible to players while on-board.


The Bar will be of particular interest to Commanders. On Fleet Carriers, the Bartender will act as a fully player-driven trading post for all of the resources found while on-foot. The Fleet Carrier owner will be able to manage this service from anywhere in the galaxy, manipulating prices, creating or fulfilling demand, and directly influencing the game’s economy as a result. As a customer of a Bartender, players will find new avenues for money-making and obtaining hard-to-find items for upgrading their equipment, driven exclusively by other players.


Protect missions, meanwhile, are available from mission givers and mission boards in Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Update 11. Commanders will defend a specific objective at a given location, then collect a reward once the area is clear.
Elite Dangerous: Odyssey is available to purchase now on Steam, via the Epic Games Store, or via the Frontier Store. Elite Dangerous and Elite Dangerous: Horizons are available on Xbox, PlayStation, Steam, Epic Games and the Frontier Store.
Note: In order to play Elite Dangerous: Odyssey or Elite Dangerous: Horizons, players must also own a copy of the Elite Dangerous base game.


About Elite Dangerous
Take control of your own starship in a cutthroat galaxy. Some may know you as an ally; others will call you a pirate, a bounty hunter, a smuggler, an explorer, an assassin, a hero… Fly with friends, fight for a cause or go it alone. Your actions change the galaxy around you in an ever-unfolding story. Explore a detailed 1:1 model of our real galaxy, and be the first to discover one of 400 billion star systems. Start with a small starship and a handful of credits, and do whatever it takes to earn the skill, knowledge, wealth and power to stand among the ranks of the Elite.

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