Milestone have announced the details of their first DLC pack for recently released racer Gravel.
They have also detailed the future DLC plans for the game, which will include both Premium (paid) and Freemium DLC. Which they have detailed on the below info-graphic.
Details of the Fire & Ice DLC are:
A brand new cross-country map set in Iceland, including 10 brand new check point tracks, a new career episode, A race of Ice and Fire, and new events featuring extreme snow tracks in three different settings: Coast, Mountain and Valley. Players can race inside dormant volcanoes, illuminated by the aurora borealis or visit iconic small fishing villages. All users can race in capture the capture the flag and king’s run mode in a new Multiplayer Arena.
The Fire & Ice DLC will race it’s way on to Gravel on March 28th, you can check out the trailer below.