New Wave Interactive have confirmed that their upcoming FPS title, Insurgency: Sandstorm, has been delayed on Xbox One until the first half of 2019.
The developers had hoped that the console version would launch alongside its PC counterpart in September 2018 but they have now taken the decision to delay the console version to add more polish.
Talking on a Blog Post on the their official site, Mike Tsarouhas from New Wave Interactive had this to say:
‘Sandstorm’s release for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One has unfortunately needed to be pushed back. We’re currently planning for a console launch sometime in the first half of 2019. Our original goal was to release both console and Windows PC versions side by side in 2018, but we feel we need more time to polish the console experience. It’s important that we ensure we deliver an overall solid experience that is as bug free and stable as possible regardless of platform. Rest assured we still have every intention to expand our community to console, it’s just going to need to take a little more time. We know this may be disappointing news to some of you. We’ve been shown a lot of love (especially recently) from console players who are hankering for a kind of hardcore gameplay like the one we provide. We want our new console audience to have a great first impression, and feel strongly that the extra time will better allow us to accomplish this.’
Are you disappointed by this delay or happy to wait?