Oh… Sir! The Hollywood Roast is insulting its way onto Xbox One for console plebeians to enjoy this Spring.
The Hollywood roast is a new spinoff to the indie 2016 title, Oh…Sir!! The Insult Simulator. You will play as one of many famous, but for legal purposes, different pop culture icons and verbally spar with other Hollywood elitists in Set a slew of iconic film backdrops.
What’s more, The Hollywood Roast will also have Mixer integration for Xbox One owners, letting viewers vote on their preferred insult. Sounds like an interesting use of Mixer.
This will also include twice the vocabulary of the original game and offer a new comeback mechanic: charge your anger and finish the sentence with a unique closure.
Sounds good? Well you spudmuddlers can buy The Hollywood Roast fod $4.99 on release. No mention of a UK price yet, but expect a currency converted price.