PUBG Corp have confirmed that the Miramar map will land on Xbox One test servers before the end of April, with the map then rolling out to live servers sometime in May.
The test server update for Miramar will also come with new vehicles and optimization fixes for the game, some of which are detailed below:
Our art asset streaming process has been optimized. This will somewhat improve the “play-doh” effect on textures and will mitigate interior prop pop-in issues. This will make a big difference in the early phases of each game.
Our character movement system was also causing some problems, and has now been optimized. Performance and stability will be better even when many players gather in one location. We expect this to help out the game’s performance past the mid-phase.
The developers also went to say that fixing crashes and stability is of the ‘highest priority’ and that these changes will hit the test servers first to ensure they are ready fro being pushed out to the live servers.
This news came in the way of a developer update on the official PUBG Forums, you check out the full developer update through the LINK.