Blast off into a heartfelt story to change the past

Serenity Forge is over the moon to announce that they will be porting To the Moon, from developer Freebird Games, to Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5. Today’s news coincided with the reveal that The Beach Episode will be launching Sept. 20 on PC:

To The Moon Trailer:

The Beach Episode Trailer:

In the upcoming The Beach Episode, the Sigcorp crew blasts off on an all-expenses-paid vacation to the Golden Lobster Resort, for a grand total of one day. Join familiar faces from To the Moon, Finding Paradise and Impostor Factory in this series finale of sorts, filled with mini-games, mysteries and relaxation. Even the dead are returning, but something’s not adding up…

Console players will soon finally have the chance to meet To The Moon’s Dr. Rosalene and Dr. Watts. The doctors give people the amazing opportunity to rewind the clock back to the start of their lives, but only in the patient’s head.

This operation is quite serious as the new life becomes the last thing patients remember before taking their final breath. Therefore, the operation is only performed on patients on their deathbed, to fulfill their final wishes they hoped to accomplish during their lives.

This unusual adventure follows Dr. Rosalene and Dr. Watts as they work to fulfill the dream of an elderly man named Johnny. With each step back in time, a new fragment of Johnny’s past is revealed. As the two doctors piece together the puzzled events that spanned a lifetime, they seek to find out just why the frail old man chose his dying wish to be what it is.

And Johnny’s last wish is, of course… to go to the moon.

By CX Dave

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