A New Podcast? Yes, a new podcast is here, and I promise you it’s not your usual news orientated, blah, blah, blah.
As with everything we do at Complete Xbox, you lovely people are always in our minds, and we want you to come on this podcast journey with us.
Hosted by the amazing duo of Duncan Voice (Indie Choices) & Odhran Johnson (Gaming Sandbox), who are the real brains behind the project, and are so naturally talented.
I for one, am absolutely amazed by their quick wit, of the cuff style conversation. Having been invited on for the opening couple of recordings, I can assure you that they are so welcoming, bringing loads of passion and personality, as we discuss what we have been playing, all things CX, our Game Club Segment (which we invite you to get involved with), and a very dodgy AI generated riddle of sorts for us to solve, don’t ask about that one, that was producer Paul’s idea!
“Do you like audio podcasts to listen to whilst gaming or going about your daily life? Then we have a great one for you!
Check-out our All new The Word Famous Completexbox Podcast!”
The World Famous Complete Xbox Podcast is hosted fortnightly by Duncan and Odhran. Each month they’re joined by a guest from the Complete Xbox Community to chat about the games they’ve been playing, and just have a general bing bong bingly.
You can listen to the latest podcast’s by clicking on the links below!
Odhran is Sick with Las Plagas
This time sick rather than hung over Odhran and Duncs are joined by the marvelous JP who appeared on our last episode when discussing Diablo 4. In this episode, Duncs faced his fears both by playing a resident evil game and listening to a sick Irishman discuss a Resident Evil title.
Still with us, if so then hit us up via our Twitter account and join our Discord channel for more gaming chat!