Super Mega Baseball 3 is the third entry in the Super Mega Baseball series which first saw release in 2014 exclusively on PS3 and PS4. Xbox players got their first taste of the series in 2015 with Super Mega Baseball: Extra Innings. The Super Mega Baseball series is the perfect balance between arcade-y baseball games and pure sim. While it does have the depth to attract hardcore baseball fans, it’s very user friendly and easy to pick up for newcomers.

Super Mega Baseball 3 expands on the previous entry by adding a bevy of new features while keeping the core game the same. Returning players will be happy to know that the game lets players import custom teams created in Super Mega Baseball 2. The developers added a new Franchise mode which lets players train, trade and develop their team members. On top of that, there’s the regular Season mode, Exhibition, and Elimination modes.

During Season mode, you can watch or skip past games that do not feature your team which can speed up your season. Season mode can be tailored to how the players feel like playing. You can have a full, deep season mode or you can play a short one. Additionally, sim fans will be able to switch around players based on their strengths and weaknesses; but casual players can just blaze through the menu navigation and player choices by simply looking at the players’ stats at a glance and still fully have fun with the game. Additionally, the game’s difficulty settings go beyond the easy, normal, and hard settings. You can adjust your “Ego”, the difficulty, on a scale starting at 0 being the easiest. This gives players more control over the game’s A.I. difficulty as it gives more choices as sometimes Easy could be too Easy and Normal be too difficult for casual players.

While overall the casual players can pick up and play this game, some details might require a bit of paying attention as throwing or hitting, while simple, still has some intricacies behind these mechanics. While there is a tutorial in a certain way as the game will throw pop-ups your way as you play your first games, it’s easy to forget a few things. I believe the game would’ve benefited from a full-on (optional) tutorial you can learn the intricacies properly instead of on the fly.

The game’s control schemes are actually pretty simple. Batting only requires players to move the cursor within the box and hit the ball at exactly the right spot. Pitching is a bit more tricky; With the left joystick, you move the cursor within the delimiting square where strikes will occur. You can also choose which type of ball to throw (fastball, curveball, etc…) and after throwing, you need to move the ball quickly within the preset square in order to get strikes. It takes a bit of time to get used to and the tutorial wasn’t all that clear about it; especially if you browse through the tutorial pop-ups. When in the field, using the face buttons allows you to throw to the matching plate; i.e. if you press B, you’ll throw to the first plate, Y to second, etc… It does take a bit of time to get used to if you’re used to push A for everything, but in the end, it makes things so much simpler. YOu also have to be careful because it takes a fraction of a second to throw as depending how long you hold the button, the throw will be stronger.

Super Mega Baseball 3 features a cartoonish look that fits the game’s more arcadey feel. The character models range from funny looking to creepy, borderline nightmare fuel. Each stadium looks great, albeit slightly different; all of which colorful. Each team has its distinct color patterns to easily identify your team. Audio-wise, nothing really extraordinary. The game has no commentary so you’ll be treated to the crowd chatter and normal sounds on a baseball field. The crowd sounds fine which adds a bit of “ambiance”, but obviously nothing very unique; sounds as generic as any sports game. To be honest, this could be the perfect game for comedic commentary à la commentary team from the Dodgeball movie.

Super Mega Baseball 3 is the perfect mix of a baseball sim and arcade baseball game. Those looking to fill the void of MLB The Show like games will find an interesting and deep experience (albeit not as deep) where they can craft their team, strategize and feel like they have control over their team. On the flip side, those looking for a simple, easy to pick up and play baseball game should jump on Super Mega Baseball 3. Definitely a must-play.

CX Score
  • 85%
    Overall - 85%



  • Easy to pick up and play
  • Handful of game modes


  • Some character models can be nightmare fuel
  • May be not as deep as some hardcore baseball fans want
  • Missed chance for humourous commentary

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