Streets of Rage 4 Gets a New Free Update
Co-developers Dotemu and Lizardcube, have released an extensive new update for Streets of Rage 4, which is entirely free to download. The update brings over 300 improvements to the iconic…
Co-developers Dotemu and Lizardcube, have released an extensive new update for Streets of Rage 4, which is entirely free to download. The update brings over 300 improvements to the iconic…
Skull-Cracking Gameplay from Vastly Replayable Survival Mode Arrives in New Trailer New Playable Characters, Moves & Challenges Await in DLC Landing beside Free Update, Physical Edition Bundling All Content Announced…
Publisher and co-developer Dotemu, co-developers Lizardcube and Guard Crush Games have finally released the long-awaited new entry in the Streets of Rage series as Streets of Rage 4 is now…
Dotemu, Lizardcube, and Guard Crush Games have announced that Adam Hunter will return to the urban slums in Streets of Rage 4 for the first time since debuting on the…
Co-developers Dotemu (Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap), Lizardcube (Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap) and Guard Crush Games (Streets of Fury) have confirmed Streets of Rage 4 for Xbox One. Platforms…