The sequel to The Escapists will feature multiplayer, Team 17 and Mouldy Toof have announced.
The Escapists 2 looks to keep the same art style and gameplay with a few minor adjustments, but the biggest addition will be multiplayer. Drop-in and drop-out co-op and versus modes to be precise.
You’ll also be able to play as a female inmate and craft new items such as tasers to take out pesky guards that stand in the way of your freedom.
Chris Davis, founder of The Escapists studio Mouldy Toof said: “I’m thrilled to be working with my friends at Team 17 again to bring this new chapter of The Escapists to life. The Escapists 2 takes everything the fans loved from the first game and adds in so many new additions and features on top.”
Check out the game trailer below and let us know your thoughts in the comments.