Try the first two levels of one of the best action games of 2020, but are you ready for the challenge? The Ghostrunner demo comes packed with over 30 minutes of intense cyber ninja action. Hone your killer instincts because this one hit one death cyberpunk masterpiece will have some incredible updates coming in 2021!




There is no mercy in Ghostrunner so if you do not come with major skills then do not expect to survive one of the hardest games ever made. Each level of Ghostrunner is filled with endless possibilities to progress, but also countless ways to meet your demise. Any damage and you are dead, but Ghostrunner comes equipped with instant restart so the intensity keeps flowing. Ghostrunner is challenging, but if you remain persistent then you will unlock a thrilling experience. The setting is the last city on Earth, Dharma Tower, and you are the only hope left for humanity versus the evil tyrannical Keymaster.

In Ghostrunner you wield incredible powers allowing you to slow down time, run on walls, slice foes in half, deflect bullets, teleport, and so much more. Each part of Ghostrunner is a violent puzzle and sometimes you will need to die dozens of times to figure out your path to victory. You will need to get creative with your powers and upgrades to efficiently progress through the story. The post-apocalyptic future of Ghostrunner is filled with nightmarish foes who put up a serious fight so do not expect anything less than an ever-increasing struggle to survive.




2021 is the year of Ghostrunner so get ready because there are some awesome modes coming to an Xbox console near you. After you complete the Ghostrunner story, get ready for the ultimate battle in the recently released hardcore mode. And remember, you do not have to face Ghostrunner alone! Join the official Ghostrunner Xbox hub to chat and find allies to help you figure out an easier path to victory. Stop by to share fanart, discuss strategy, and see exciting updates coming in the future. Once you feel that you are starting to master the Ghostrunner demo then record your run and upload it to the speedrunning leaderboards located at

See you in the Cybervoid, Ghostrunners!

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