Bethesda will be releasing Fallout Shelter on Xbox One and Windows 10 as a Xbox Play Anywhere title tomorrow.
You assume the role of the Overseer and control your own vault. Building new rooms within the fault for storage, generating power or even giving your dwellers some time on their own.
If you’ve not played Fallout Shelter before, then you’re in for a treat as Shelter features some iconic Fallout characters, as well as pets and special customisation options to make your dwellers look dapper. There’s also a quest system which hands out bottle caps (the game’s currency) to upgrade and build new rooms.
In addition to this, there are plenty of chances to explore, as you can send survivors out to risk their lives in the wasteland. Just make sure they go out well prepared, a rad suit or armour might be handy.
If you’ve not had a Play Anywhere title yet, the game’s progress instantly saves and can be loaded up between your console and PC, so it’s already proving to be a pretty popular feature for gamers.