Sheltered has left Xbox One Game Preview and released a full title today.
Additionally, the game also received a new patch ahead of its full launch, which can be found below.
New Features
- The Scenario Family Ties quest has been expanded…
o …into the Extended Family quest. Players can now move to a new Shelter by completing the new quest Extended Family. This quest also grants an additional family member.
- It is now possible to get a new pet if the original one has died during a shelter relocation, via the Extended Family quest.
- It is now possible to increase the number of layers available for your Shelter by moving shelter via the Extended Family quest.
- Brand New Tutorial has been added.
- An objective arrow now appears during the tutorial to guide the player.
- Help prompts appear for various actions if player opts to play tutorial.
- Achievements have been added:
o Getting Comfy – Survive a week.
o True Survivor – Survive 100 days
o Day Tripper – Travel 100 miles (cumulatively) on the map
o Well-Travelled – Travel 500 miles (cumulatively) on the map
o Globetrotter – Travel 1000 miles (cumulatively) on the map
o Relic Hunter – Search 200 Locations (cumulatively)
o Handyman – Craft your first object/item.
o Tooled Up – Collect all 10 tools (on a single game).
o TKO – Subdue an enemy in a single combat encounter
o Gunslinger – Win combat using a gun
o Tinkerer – Upgrade a system once
o Push It To The Limit – Fully upgrade a system
o I’m Giving You All She’s Got – Fully upgrade all systems
o Hunter Gatherer – Trap an animal on the shelter surface
o Fat of The Land – Trap 100 animals on the shelter surface (cumulatively)
o Green Fingers – Grow and harvest a plant from the plant station
o Botanist – Have 5 or more plant stations in the shelter
o Grease Monkey – Take RV out on an expedition.
New Quests
- Extended Family.
- The RV can now be obtained via the RV quest if lost in pre-existing saves.
Additional New Features
- Added Italian localisation.
- Added Brazilian-Portuguese localisation.
Changes and Balancing
- Changed the stack sizes of certain item types.
- Changed the controls text on the map screen.
- Player now starts with 2 cement in their inventory.
- Extensive improvements to the localisation in non-English languages.
- Provided more explanation on how the map screen works.
- Difficulty tweak – all original family members becoming catatonic now ends the game – recruits no longer affect this.
- Invalid placement when moving objects in the shelter now makes objects appear red.
- Pet no longer moves during the tutorial – now it won’t get in the way!
- Updated the school background.
- Updated the radio transmission button text.
- Updated the main game logo artwork.
- Updated the integrity loss rates for Showers
- Updated the stack sizes for various storage slots in the game.
- Reduced the trade value of Bandages.
- Reduced the trade value of First Aid Kits.
- Increased the storage size of the Large Storage Crate.
- Children can now interact with corpses.
- Added speech bubble for when children interact with corpses.
- Updated the image displayed on the character automation hint.
- Updated the colour of the health bars throughout the game so that they are the same everywhere.
- Increased the frequency of rubber at locations in the wasteland.
- Increased the frequency of nylon at locations in the wasteland.
- Decreased the frequency of food at locations in the wasteland.
- Decreased the frequency of leather at locations in the wasteland.
- Increased the accuracy of the Pistol.
- Increased the accuracy of the Shotgun.
- Increased the accuracy of the Rifle.
- Made the arrows for changing characters on the expedition screen more obvious.
- Made the arrows for scrolling on the crafting panel on the expedition screen more obvious.
- Gave the bear a running animation.
- The Journal “new entry” flashing icon will now disappear after 60 seconds without being looked at.
- Repositioned the button prompts for controller buttons on various panels throughout the menu system.
- Added another 20+ job icons to the job queue.
- Scalper faction now have the correct legs
- New 25th Anniversary Team17 Digital Ltd logo
- Added button prompts for exiting dialogue boxes in the tutorial.
- Added button prompts for cancelling jobs.
- Removed the “Promise-Lie” section from The Other Shelter quest.
- Angry recruits can no longer degrade the workbench when they decide to leave the shelter.
- Angry recruits can now steal tools when they decide to leave the shelter.
- The time to arm traps during Shelter Breaching has been reduced.
- The Leaderboard screen has been re-arranged slightly.
- The Scenario expiration times have been re-balanced.
- The Other Shelter quest now expres if not completed.
- Map is now right click and drag to move.
- The collision area for the Water Condenser should be fixed now.
- Updated the credits screen.
- The collision area for the Water Condenser should be fixed now.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where character would become unresponsive if player saves and exits at perception gain screen.
- Fixed an issue where saving and exiting at expedition set up created duplicate expedition party.
- Fixed an issue with expedition parties becoming stuck if player saves and exits when they discover scenario target.
- Fixed an issue where psycho characters would ignore meat in storage when determining if they were triggered.
- Fixed an issue that would cause breaches not to spawn correctly if an expedition party returns as a breach starts.
- Fixed an issue where the expedition part becomes stuck if the quest is completed before they arrive.
- Protection Racket scenario is no longer repeatable.
- Added strength, accuracy and damage stats to the legendary weapons.
- Added the accuracy stat to the pipe, knuckle dusters and rock.
- Removed overlapping text from the RV panel in Russian languages.
- Fixed Russian characters “bl” and “y” not displaying correctly.
- Removed the incoming transmission audio SFX from the crafting system.
- Fixes to the AI pathing when characters are walking up and down stairs.
- Showers should now have the correct artwork.
- The collision area for the Water Condenser should be fixed now.
Will you be downloading Sheltered or have you played it already?