FightNJokes is a 2D one-on-one fighting game where players get to choose from a selection of goofy characters designed for this game, however, there are a few fighters that are clearly clones/parodies of existing characters (Looking at you Arturo).

The game plays like any 2D fighter that’s very straightforward. The A button will throw a punch and the B button will kick your opponent. Either button can be used to throw if your opponent is close enough. The game also offers special moves for a little combat variety. What’s interesting however is that holding the X button will slowly build up your super attack meter.

Once your meter is full, it allows you to unleash a super-powerful attack by pulling off a slightly more complex input. Speaking of which, how do use our special attacks? They are executed similarly to like in the long-running Street Fighter series; for example, Ryno can pull off a flying uppercut (think of SF’s Shoryuken a.k.a. Dragon Punch) by pressing down, down-forward, forward, and then punch.

And as with any fighting game, you can expect a handful of game modes and FightNJokes is no different. Along with Arcade Mode, players will be able to play Versus, Tourney (4,8, or 16 brackets), Survival, Time Rush, and the highly beneficial Training where you can get acclimated with all characters and pick a favorite or two.

While the core of the game is pretty entertaining for what it is, there are a few issues, mainly missed opportunities to offer a deeper/more solid fighting experience. The lack of a story mode is baffling. Given the title includes the word Joke, I’m convinced a hilarious, albeit short, story could’ve been expanded on. Also, the fighting lacks depth. With so many buttons on controllers nowadays, it begs for a variety of attacks (strong vs weak). Also sometimes, special moves don’t always register.

The game looks great. Characters and backgrounds are designed with a hand-drawn retro-style palette simulating 256 colors mixed with old-school pixel art. The character movement is slightly reminiscent of the Super NES fighter ClayFighter and that’s not a bad thing as it feels unique and goofy as opposed to the typical more realistic movement. The animations also run at 60FPS. The soundtrack, while interesting, and catching the game’s light humoristic tone, is fine but nothing really noteworthy.

I’ll be honest, FightNJokes caught me by surprise. While I didn’t have high hopes, it’s a fun, easy-to-pick-up-and-play brawler that can serve as a nice distraction between AAA experiences and/or during an evening with friends, gamers, or not. The lack of combat depth tends to lead to more button mashing than anything and the lack of story mode is a missed opportunity, but the quantity of characters and game modes is enough to keep you entertained for a bit. I’d definitely recommend this to those who are looking to dip their toes in the genre. Hardcore fans might get bored pretty quickly. There are definitely worst ways to spend money/time,

  • 65%
    CX Score - 65%



  • Surprisingly solid gameplay
  • Decent quantity of game modes
  • Uniquely goofy roster of characters


  • Lack of combat depth
  • No story mode
  • Special moves don’t always register

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