There comes a time in life were you you have to accept that there is a game, no matter how good it is, that is simply not for you. Whether it is personal taste, style of play, or your own skill level there is just something about a game that just might not grab you. I have come to terms that Evergate is one of those games for me.

So how does it play?

Evergate aims to bring story-telling to a physics-based puzzle game and on that front it is actually intriguing. Additionally, the game is quite beautiful and is optimized for the Series S/X. The controls are also incredibly solid and any time you fail a puzzle you can be quite content is knowing it was your own fault and that you just need to try a different approach.

The core concept of the game is to progress from the start of the level to the exit by means of physics – you jump into the air, use the control stick to aim at a targetable surface, and exploit Newton’s Third Law to propel yourself through the level while avoiding pits, spikes, and other hazards. The game very generously offers a “bullet time” effect while aiming so that you are not overly pressured, but you will still need to be quick about where and when to launch yourself.

There is also a good deal of incentive to replay levels. By completing challenges equipable powerups can be unlocked. For example, one of the first ones you get will allow you to jump higher. Obviously, this will have a huge impact on how you can complete the level.

Coming to terms

Here’s where I had to come to terms with myself – I am, simply put, not very good at these sorts of games. I am many things in life: precise under pressure is not normally one of my stronger attributes. I could practice and “git gud”. Experience that sweet sense of accomplishment of overcoming a challenge. But I also had to be honest with myself. I have adult responsibilities and couldn’t dedicate that time to it.

  • 70%
    CX Score - 70%



  • Beautiful game
  • Charming sound
  • Tight controls
  • Incentive to replay

By Sean

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