Fans of Bomberman are going to love Knight Squad, as its an eight-player fest of fun and challenging gameplay. Nostalgia is going to be strong with this one that’s for sure.
If you like games like Gauntlet, then Knight Squad will instantly look familiar to you with its top-down camera perspective. The action itself is quite quick, so you will need your wits about you and the AI you play against are also challenging, which is good to see. There’s nothing worse than playing CPU-controlled characters who are easy to outfox.

Games don’t last very long, which may be a downside, but the developers have added lots of game modes to make up for that. My personal favourite was “Soccer”, whereby you knock a ball around using nothing but a sword. It was very enjoyable and the other different game modes only add to the barrel of fun.
It’s also very easy to get lost in the chaos of games, so you’ll always need to pay attention to what’s going on and where your character is. Especially, when you have the threat of 8 other players. I for one love a challenge when it comes to games and Knight Squad definitely provided that, but also kept the game feeling enjoyable with the likes of the Soccer and Crystal Rush game types.
The game also features online multiplayer, as well as local, so you can always invite some friends over one weekend and play this one night. It’s a good bit of fun and makes for a sociable evening of gaming. It might not keep you occupied for many hours on end, but it will definitely make things competitive between everyone for the night, whilst also having a laugh.

The game was definitely made for online multiplayer rather than playing against bots, so it’s best that you stick to that. Otherwise you might get pretty bored after an hour or two of playing. If not you could always try the “Challenge” modes for solo players, which has a varying amount of difficult objectives for you to complete. The only problem I have with these are the difficulty, as a lot of them are really tough and test your patience. Especially, when you consider the long loading screens between deaths.
I really enjoyed Knight Squad and have to say the gameplay was nostalgic for me having played Bomberman a bit in the past. Additionally the game looks great visually and offers a nice variety of game modes for you and your friends to get stuck into one night.
- Enjoyable with friends
- Nice variety of game modes
- Frustrating challenges
- Long loading screens between deaths
CX Score