Krut: The Mythic Wings is set in a world full of mystical creatures and magic where the ruthless army of the Ogre invaded the land of the Garuda race. After the fall of the Garuda army and city, a lone ounded warrior found himself on a mysterious enchanted island called Himmaphan. He’s given a powerful artifact, the Mythic Wings and is tasked of bringing back peace to the land.

Krut: The Mythic Wings is a 2.5D action platformer where players need to go from start to finish of the game’s six levels. Throughout your adventure, your adventure will be impeded by a handful of enemies. Killing enemies reward players with currency that can be used to upgrade the protagonist. Each level has a mid-level boss and a end level boss.

At each checkpoint, you can also upgrade the protagonist’s various specs such as attack power, increase your health; among others. You can also use your hard earned currency to refill your health or purchase extra lives. Boss battles are definitely one of the best point of the game. It’s all about learning the patterns and countering. Trying to mindlessly button mash your way through a boss battle will result in a trip back to the last checkpoint.

Our hero also has a few attacks up his proverbial sleeves. There’s the default normal attack and the strong attack. The latter requires a meter to be progressively filled by attacking enemies with regular attacks. The strong attack can also be charged to throw a projectile. If the meter is filled completely, pressing both bumper buttons will transforms our hero and make him fly with a projectile attack. It can be extremely useful, albeit extremely weak attack, against bosses. You can also double jump, dash when jumping and dodge/roll when on the ground.

Unfortunately, the game has a few fun hindering issues. First off is the hit detection; there’s questionable hit detection where I was nowhere near the enemy’s attack, yet I suffered damage. And the opposite is true where I attacked, yet my attack hit nothing. Additionally, combat feels stiff and slightly responsive/delayed. Another questionable design, while you do have a strong attack, you need to wait for a meter to be filled up, hindering your combos. Also having to pay with in-game currency to unlock a checkpoint is one of the dumbest thing I’ve seen in a game. It costs 1000 green rubies meaning you are forced to kill everything to collect as much currency if you want enough to unlock the checkpoint AND upgrade your character.

The game looks great as a whole and is very colorful. Each level looks distinct from one another and the backdrops are full of details where it can be more interesting to take a slow walk through each level and admiring the backgrounds. The soundtrack is mediocre at best; sounds like a generic score that would be better fitting in an old school JRPG than an action game.

Krut: The Mythic Wings is a fun addition to the 2.5D action/platformer genre. The game looks great and features fun and challenging boss battles. But there are some questionable design such as hit detection issues, slightly delayed attacks and having to use your hard-earned in-game currency to use/unlock checkpoints. Once you get used to the game’s low points, it’s a fun and mildly enjoyable action experience. Worth waiting for a sale.

  • 60%
    CX Score - 60%



  • Fun and challenging boss battles
  • Great environment design


  • Questionable detection
  • Using checkpoint costs in-game currency
  • Overly simplistic combat
  • Strong attack requires a meter

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