The Alto Collection is a bundle of two games: Alto’s Adventure and Alto’s Odyssey. The former is an endless snowboarding game that first released in 2015 on iOS devices and subsequently on Android devices. Then in 2018, Alto’s Odyssey released first on iOS shortly followed by a release on Android devices. While Adventure takes places during winter times, the sequel keeps the same formula but in the sandy desert.

Both Alto games are endless snowboarding games which takes places across procedurally generated levels. Every time you crash, you start over on a different path. Given that the games are “endless”, players have to successfully complete goals and collect as many coins as possible. They also have to snowboard as long as possible without crashing.

Each level contain three goals. Once you’ve successfully complete the three, you move on to the next level where you’ll find three new goals to conquer. Goals can vary from either collecting a set amount of coins or collecting power ups. Some of the goals can be accomplished through multiple runs while others need to be completed during a single run, meaning if you crash and burn, you’ll lose the goal’s progress and have to start over. Overall, goals aren’t that difficult or complex. The addendum is given the level’s procedurally generated patterns, when it comes to picking up required items, some times it can take a while before they spawn.

Now when we say snowboarding, people will obviously associate this with tricks. This is where the biggest flaw of this bundle shines through: the lack of tricks. Aside from jumping, Alto can only grind certain surfaces and do backflips. Players can also bounce off of rocks and balloons in Adventure and Odyssey respectively. In Adventure, after successfully pulling off tricks, you get shielded for a few seconds allowing you to blaze through rocks which would otherwise make you crash. Given that the games’ first platform was iOS devices, it’s understandable, but I feel it’s a missed opportunity to tailor a pair of mobile game to consoles and flesh it out.

As mentioned above, some of the goals require you to collecting power-ups in order to complete them. Some of the power-ups includes a magnet which allows you to increase the radius of coins being pulled towards Alto; there’s also a feather that allows Alto to hover. Additionally, collecting coins lets you buy a few upgrades in the shop accessible via the main menu or game over screen. For example, you can increase the length of the magnet or in Odyssey, you can buy a special board that first needs to be found.

If you need to unwind after a hard day of work, both games also include a Zen mode. The Zen mode allows players to simply ride down the path without having to worry about successfully completing goals or game overs. More sports game should have this type of modes; just being able to enjoy riding without the hassle of goals or time limit (for some games).

Both games in the Alto Collection look great. While they both feature minimalist designs (as again they were iOS games to begin with), the developers managed to make both game unique visually and colorful. Additionally, both games have a day/night transition which makes the environment really stand out and also adds to the procedurally generated patterns. The soundtrack for both games is ambient and some of more chillout music I’ve heard. It’s peaceful and goes hand-in-hand with the games.

The Alto Collection is definitely one of best games to come out this year on Xbox One. Sure, it’s not as deep as some other sports games, but it’s easy to pick up and play mechanic makes it ideal for gamers of all ages. The goals aren’t that difficult and both games’ procedurally generated levels ensure that no playthroughs are similar. Don’t miss out.

  • 90%
    CX Score - 90%



  • Great collection of easy to pick up and play games
  • Procedurally generated levels means great replay value


  • Limited tricks
  • Rocks are sometimes hard to see

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