Now I have to admit I had to do a little research on Outcast since I missed the original 20 years ago. It was remade back in 2017 with mixed reception across the board, so I was going into this one admittedly with fairly low expectations. I have since emerged from the other side of this title pleasantly surprised after delving into a rich and beautiful world and whilst it isn’t your typical triple-A affair, it certainly is a quality title. If you’re unsure what to expect then it is a third-person open-world action-adventure RPG with plenty of combat to get stuck into. If you’ve been on the fence about what to play this early in 2024, then this may be one you’d like to check out.

The Name Is Slade, Cutter Slade

Without delving into the story and ruining it too much for you. You play as an ex-Navy Seal known as Cutter Slade who finds himself on the habitual planet of Aldepha, home of the Talans. Fans of the series may remember Adelpha, but this time his memory has faded and he finds himself confused as to why he is there. It becomes a journey of seeking answers, missing his daughter and a desperate mission of trying to get home. First, though, you must assist the Talans from hi-tech invasions across the land. As stories go, it’ll either hook you and you’ll want to divulge in every piece of the lengthy conversations with NPC’s possible or you do have the option of the skip button if you just want to rifle through.

Gear Up Your Jetpack & Weapons

What I enjoyed the most is that there is no linear nature here at all and after the early moments of the game, quests can take you in any direction you wish. There are plenty of side quests outside the main missions which keeps the adventure trickling along nicely. Once you unlock the jetpack elements you’ll be able to get around with ease, boosting high with double jumps and even flying for a limited time if you prefer this to a leisurely jog. This isn’t the only piece of kit you can upgrade, weaponry can be souped up with different modules to give them more of a punch in combat scenarios. Going from a single-shot pistol to one with burst fire was a godsend. There is also a shield ability to defend against attacks which is handy in the heat of battle.

Frequent Fetch Quests

For most of the game, I had great fun with the variety of things to do, challenges to get done and some minor puzzle-solving features. I did find that over the playthrough it could get a little mundane for some who don’t like doing fetch quests. It does feel like you’re speaking to an NPC who is delegating you a task to then return to appease them, or go to a certain location and do a set number of things then come and speak to them and job done. I enjoy these kinds of games, but if you don’t then you may want to consider whether the greatness of the world and combat can brush aside those repetitive jobs.

Graphics & Audio

From the outside looking in, you’d be right to think that it does look a little dated regarding the overall presentation. The game doesn’t have the same sizeable budget as something like Assassins Creed for instance. Appeal Studios have done magnificent work though to make Aldelpha stunning and pretty to be absorbed within. The gameplay mechanics are pretty solid with gunplay feeling satisfying and jetpacking around the world super fun. I don’t know about you but sometimes I get mentally tired of running around in games, here I found myself traversing around by just flying. So much more exciting!

I have to commend the writing and voice-acting teams here, if you’re constantly tempted to skip dialogue and cutscenes I urge you not to. Every character I came across seemed to have their own distinct personality with plenty having humourous witty jokes. Sound effects as a whole hit the right notes and everything blends within the world of Adelpha very nicely indeed.

Final Thoughts

Outcast: A New Beginning I thought was fantastic and whilst it won’t be thrusting masterpiece visuals in your face, it is still wonderfully presented. I loved that the open world was one that you could happily fly about with your jetpack and explore with the ability to mess around with customisable weaponry and absolute freedom. There are plenty of hours in this one and I felt like there was plenty to be cracking on with. Whilst it isn’t the most memorable story in the video game space, it is a decent and engaging one with lots of wacky and witty narratives from some intriguing characters.

If you’re a lover of open-world RPGs, it is highly recommended by me. I found it sat somewhere in the middle of Mass Effect and Defiance regarding scope and fluidity. Whilst there are a few bugs and glitches present, they are rather minor and I’d imagine over time being patched out by the development teams. If this isn’t on your radar in the immediate future, it is for sure worth your time at some stage. Don’t let it pass you by if you loved the original Outcast games or RPG titles in general.


  • 80%
    CX Score - 80%



  • The atmosphere and world of Adelpha is beautiful
  • Jetpacks are always just great bloody fun!
  • Weapon customisation is awesome
  • Fantastic narrative and voice acting



  • A few bugs exist
  • Some missions can get a bit repetitive
  • Might feel dated visuals-wise for the crowd who always expect bells and whistles

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