Following on from the original ReactorX, ReactorX 2 is very much more of the same and developed by TERNOX. With the original currently boasting a very generous offering of quite possibly the easiest 5000 Gamerscore you can ever earn, the sequel is aiming to do just that, all over again. Currently ReactorX 2 only has 1000 Gamerscore on offer but I assume, like the original this will be updated continuously over time to help bulk out that Gamerscore.

ReactorX 2 puts you in the shoes of a skilled mechanic who has to repair a spaceship after a pirate attack, requiring you to slap on that thinking cap and get to work. You will have to work your way through 5 different sectors of the ship, all providing more of a challenge as you progress, comprised of 30 levels of repair work.

If you are picking up ReactorX 2 because of the very easy achievements that come with it, then you’re in luck because it does exactly what it says on the tin and will take even less skilled puzzlers no more than 20 minutes to pick up the full 1000 Gamerscore. I’m sure there are plenty of Gamerscore hungry YouTube channels out there with guides out for ReactorX 2 (and it’s windows stack counterpart) but this full completion is very achievable without a guide.

If you have played the original, then you will know exactly what to do from the moment you pick up the controller, as ReactorX 2 is almost an exact copy of the first game, for better or worse. The achievements are only tied to the first ten levels (for now) so you won’t even have to face the more challenging levels later on in the game to grab them all.

With very simple controls of left, down, right and up, it’s not a taxing game in the slightest. With the ability to push or pull the power blocks and like them up into the right places in each level. Some levels even require you to push blocks into lasers to power them up with the correct colours before repair work takes place, and if you feel like you are reading the review for the original Reactor X title, that is because these two are almost identical in every way with no notable changes.

It doesn’t feel like it warrants another full release and could have been another title update of more levels in the original, as I struggle to find anything different aside from the movement, which feels a little bit better than the loose movement from Reactor X.

Whether it warrants it or not, it’s here again for another low price of around £5 (and the aforementioned windows stack) and I have no doubts it will be receiving future title updates to pad the achievement list.

Aside from the achievements, there isn’t much reason to stick around as it isn’t fun and feels more like busy work for some quick points. It does not do anything to differentiate itself from its original and serves only as a follow up for the achievement hunters among you.

  • 30%
    CX Score - 30%



  • Achievements
  • Easy to play



  • Not fun
  • Copied the first game
  • Nothing new

By Jordan Moore


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