Whilst Prominence Poker has been around for a good six years or so now, it is still a game that I jump on once in a while if I want to scratch my poker itch. Believe it or not, I learnt to play the most popular card game in the world on Xbox 360 on the basic yet classic Texas Hold Em. Ever since then, I have been obsessed with poker, I have a few different games installed on my mobile phone to play against real-world players and occasionally I love to watch it for real in competitive competitions. If it is something you have never picked up on yourself, I genuinely recommend jumping onto this free-to-play title and just spending a few hours with it. I guarantee that if you take it seriously you’ll pick things up in no time and have a blast with it.


The reason I wanted to write about Prominence Poker all these years later is simply that there is a huge gap in the genre on consoles as a whole. I can count on one hand the number of poker-based titles that are available and two are from the same development team. Whilst the game is clearly ageing after all this time, it was a surprise when it landed on Xbox as a free-to-play game as they were a rarity back then. What was even more pleasing is that it turned out to be a really fun and functional poker experience with decent customisation options, deep stat tracking and the ability to mix with new friends. Another reason I wanted to highlight the game was that our first Complete Xbox Community Night on Thursday 5th January 2023 will be on the game for Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S.

How Does The Game Play?

Prominence Poker has a casual cartooney art style and the gameplay loop is far more laid back than other experiences out there such as the more recent Poker Club from Ripstone. Poker Club is another alternative but is a paid title that borders on the more realistic nature and is a much slower-based and perhaps overwhelming option. For beginners, I would wholeheartedly recommend Prominence Poker as you will enjoy discovering the addictive gambling-based moreish card game. With the game being free to play, you will start with a small kitty of money in your wallet to use and this can be built up by winning hands and daily login bonuses. You can, of course, purchase more in-game currency with real money but this isn’t a must and you can play this to your heart’s content without spending a penny.

There are ring game options, tournaments and head-to-head options that you can compete in or you can choose to play alone against the AI. I would recommend playing against the computer if you’re a novice as a human will be savvier to how they want to play a hand whereas the computer player will be far more erratic and clumsy in their decisions. Working through hands is fast-paced with simple button commands to bet, raise and fold with ways to make your in-game character interact with the table and props that you can equip such as a knuckle duster or cigar for instance.

Does Everyone Just Go All In?

What I have noticed with various poker games in the past is that players simply just go all in every hand without playing the game properly. Luckily I have never found that to be the case with Prominence Poker. The limitation of free player chips and player-purchased chips makes you think twice about going all in even on a strong hand. That said, when you pull off a high-stakes win and you’re laughing to the bank, it feels far more satisfying when you have actually thought about the cards in front of you or bluffed your opponent.

In Conclusion

Prominence Poker is absolutely fantastic for a free-to-play title. The development team have absolutely cracked the distribution of wealth and made the experience one that you have to always be thoughtful of in your approach. Whilst the cross-platform play isn’t an option between any platforms whatsoever (we checked), it is on the horizon according to the teams responsible for the game. There is a no-risk approach to downloading this and trying it for yourself and for repeated daily logins you are rewarded for your persistence with the game. I really like that the ranking system is seemingly unlimited and whilst grinding levels is painstakingly slow, it also means longevity is well and truly there. With a completely separate ranking presentation for ranked games, there is tonnes to do on this game, so give it a shot!

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