Hello Games have confirmed that their space exploration game, No Man’s Sky, will be heading to Xbox One ending the games exclusivity period on PlayStation.
This also comes on the back of their announcement of No Man’s Sky NEXT which is their name for the next big update for the game which will arrive in Summer 2018. This news was Tweeted out by head of Hello Games, Sean Murray, who labelled the No Man’s Sky NEXT update as the games ‘largest’ yet.
“We are calling this No Man’s Sky NEXT because it is an important next step in a journey for No Man’s Sky, for Hello Games and for our devoted community.” said Sean Murray, founder at Hello Games. “Each update for No Man’s Sky has been more successful than the last; this was especially true of our last update Atlas Rises. It emboldens the team to push ourselves further. This journey is far from over, and it’s exciting to be working again on something you know will surprise people.”
Eurogamer are also reporting that when No Man’s Sky arrives on Xbox One, it will include all previous updates for the game along with the NEXT update, it will also be enhanced for Xbox One X, supporting both 4K and HDR.
When No Man’s Sky first launched on PlayStation it is safe to say that the game was met with a wave of criticism for not really delivering the game that we had been shown in various trailers and gameplay demo’s on the run up to launch. I personally tried the game not long after launch and was not a fan but I have heard that the post launch updates really changed the game for the better so I will definitely be interested to give it another go on Xbox One.