Guns N’ Runs tells the story of 8 skillful members of the Conspiracy Squad as they need to defend a special bunker, located in the desert, currently being invaded by a mysterious threat. Players will need to overcome a bevy of challenges and dangers in order to cleanse the bunker and restore peace.

Guns N’ Runs is a 2D action platformer where each level is as treacherous as the previous one. To sum it up, it’s similar to Super Meat Boy, albeit slightly less violent and gory. While there are enemies you can kill throughout each area, the core of the game will be platforming and navigating through hazardous areas filled with spikes and other life-threating dangers. Areas with enemies require players to kill all enemies before progressing to the next area. Thankfully when you die, and you will die, you respawn into an empty area just before the one you died it.

Unlike Super Meat Boy, Guns N’ Runs offers players a health bar composed of five hearts, meaning you can take a bit of damage before dying. You can also some health refills through levels along with temporary power-ups such as shield which will absorb a hit without your health being affected. Bosses are kinda hit or miss. While some are challenging and fun to tackle, once you find out the pattern, they’re overall quite easy.

While you can jump for platforming, the dash move will be a lifesaver. Not only can it get you through areas where you can’t jump, but it will allow you to dash through hazards like lasers or bosses and their attacks. You can dash in any direction possible. Each level are accessible via a world map and the way it is designed, the game doesn’t follow a linear pattern of level 1, 2, 3, etc… If you can reach a level on the map you can do it, meaning you can start by level 3 or once you’re done with level 1, go directly to level 6.

The game looks great as whole with its cutesy 8-bit pixelated visuals. Each area is uniquely designed and there’s a decent color palette variety so each level have their own unique style; obviously each areas of each level has a familiar look to it, but the level design keeps it fresh and tricky. The soundtrack is a surprisingly good one; while it’s a generic rock score, it fits the game’s intense on-screen action.

The biggest nuisance for this game is unfortunately the Xbox Series S/X controller. While you can dash in any direction, the controller’s d-pad isn’t match for 2D platformer/precise movement. You’ll often drill your way into spikes or hazards instead of reaching your destination unharmed. The other frustrating quirk is that you can only shoot in the direction you’re looking, so you can’t shoot upwards or downwards, which makes certain boss battles unnecessarily frustrating. Vertical levels are also quite infuriating because one false move and it’s back down.

Guns N’ Runs is an addictive 2D action platformer that provides an equally addictive challenge. Bosses are fun, albeit easy at times, each level will provide its own challenge filled with hazardous dangers to navigate through thanks to your dash. Once you get used to not being able to shoot in any direction and Xbox’s lack of precision controls due to the d-pad, Guns N’ Runs is a gem not to be missed by those looking for a new challenge.

  • 80%
    CX Score - 80%



  • Addictive gameplay
  • Fun, albeit easy, boss battles
  • Challenging level design


  • Can’t shoot in any direction besides in front of you
  • Vertical levels are hell

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