When I saw Wobbledogs was coming to the console I just knew I had to get hands-on with it. There are several reasons for this and the main one was that I knew my five-year-old son will adore this game and he absolutely does. I’ve also seen it in action at several games events in the past but never really had the time or opportunity to give it some time unfortunately. After a little over a year in the Windows PC space, it is time for console players to mess about with mutating dogs in this spontaneous and wacky colourful chaotic pet simulation. If you loved the craze of Tamagotchis back in the day then I have a feeling then you’ll really dig this new indie release on Xbox One & Xbox Series X|S from developer Animal Uprising and publisher Secret Mode.


Just looking at the reception for this game on the Steam ratings just shows absolute promise as it is overwhelmingly positive across the board. Retailing for £15.99 UK price on the Xbox, it is a reasonable price point to get some weird and funky dog breeding action on the go if that is your jam. This experience has had me and my son in insane fits of laughter alongside plenty of WTF moments and I think its hilarity alongside surreal and eccentric goings-on make this game an absolute must.

You’re essentially responsible for looking after and raising your dogs but it isn’t long before all can get out of hand and before you know it you have several to nurture and care for. What’s clever about Wobbledogs is that the mutations of dogs are seemingly dependent on what they consume through their digestive system and playing around with this makes the element of surprise fun to watch every time a new dog comes on the scene. When you’re not reacting with anything on screen the dogs will do their own thing. They will wander about, play, eat, piss and crap on the floor and even eat their own excrement if you don’t clean up.


When you start with Wobbledogs you start with one solo dog and you’ll be able to give them a name of your choosing. You can install food dispensers to feed your dog whenever you desire and the food that your dog eats will influence their mutations. In comes the incubator where you can hatch eggs and this is where your puppy Wobbledogs come to fruition. If you accidentally throw out too much food you can delete this and this also works for dogs too not that you’d want to delete your delightful virtual pets, but they won’t disappear and will just go into storage instead.

Observe The Dogs Guts

At any time you can overlook the status of the dogs’ intestines to see what bacteria is lurking in there. These lovely germs will eventually influence the outcome of your next spawn and you’ll find that over time the weirdness of your dogs is laughable. I’m talking dogs with wings, huge bushy tails and long yet slim pets, the possibilities seem endless. You can choose what to feed them and you’ll unlock more over time, if you want to give your dogs a diet of chicken nuggets and chips then you absolutely can. If you want to get really funky you can also take dogs to separate areas to do some bonking to crossbreed them.

A Wild Time

There really isn’t any end goal in sight as such and it is just about having a great time and discovering what can be mutated over time. It is amazing watching the dogs interact with each other and even getting into a scrap over food and toys. You’ll be able to craft the environment to introduce interactive elements for the dogs, more space and toys to mess around with. Keeping them entertained and stimulated is all part of a happy canine home.

Graphics & Audio

In Wobbledogs, the colours absolutely pop and stand out from the screen in a charming fashion. The character designs of the dogs are the standout feature here and whilst some may look similar in appearance at times, they all may differ in clumsiness and stance. The different shapes, size and their erratic ragdoll-style movement make for a unique environment for every player. You’ll find them adorable and weirdly you’ll naturally have favourites who you become attached to over time. The menus and UI are a little confusing on console to begin with but you’ll soon navigate around them with ease.

On Xbox I had no issues whatsoever with animations and gameplay was buttery smooth. Believe me when I say my son rigorously tested this by picking dogs up and swinging them around and flinging them across the room whilst almost not being able to breathe because he was laughing so much. Whilst this sounds a little cruel, it was all in the name of fun and no Wobbledogs were harmed during the review. Where the game starts to shine also is customising the playspace for your animals and whilst I’d loved more in the way of customisation, there was enough here to play around with.

In Conclusion

Wobbledogs is something totally different from anything else I have ever played. I’m forever thankful for gaming experiences that give me essential bonding time with my son at such a young age. The laugh-out-loud moments I gained from this game with him have unlocked core memories in the gaming space that I will carry with me forever. There aren’t many games knocking about like that these days so to cherry-pick the best ones is always great and this is for sure one of them. If you have young kids or even if you’re an adult you’ll get enjoyment from this. The game doesn’t ever take itself too seriously and no two dogs ever really felt the same and they all feel like they have their very own personality.

A Jolly Good Time

The development team have done an incredible job logistically of ensuring that there is so much variance across the board and actions didn’t ever really repeat themselves. What I mean by this is that you actually feel like these virtual and vibrant dogs are actually living and breathing and they have a mind of their own. Sure there are a few little bits I’d love more control over and a little more customisation would be great. But this is an exceptional and fun indie title I’ll personally always remember and play for some time with my giggling little lad.

  • 85%
    CX Score - 85%



  • The spontaneous nature of breeding and personality traits of the dogs are exceptional
  • The bright, vivid and vibrant colour scheme and aesthetic cater to all age ranges
  • Watching the mutations and what spawns never seems to get boring
  • Never fails to make you laugh or smile



  • Could probably do with some more customisation options throughout the game
  • After a long period of time with the game, would love to see new interaction abilities are options are slim on the ground

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