Spooky Chase is an auto-run type of game where players will automatically run with no way of stopping. Each area has a flag to collect; once you collect the flag, you move on to the next area. The trick is however as you progress through the level and collect flags, the number of enemies increases according to the number of flags collected. The kicker? Enemies are future versions of your character repeating your movements from the previous level.

As you collect flags and progress through each area, you’ll also unlock new characters/skins that can easily be changed in the game’s pause menu. Once each area is filled with enemies, you can at least jump on their heads to kill them if they get too close. But it’s one-hit death, so you need to be careful and observe the patterns of the enemies. They do vanish after some time. The further you get into the game, the harder it becomes. You’ll need some Neo-like skills.

Once you’ve collected all 10 flags of a level (one per area), you’ll be able to collect a balloon that appears only when you’ve collected the 10th flag. Collecting balloons unlock additional bonus stages that you can attempt for an even more challenging experience.

The game also features a multiplayer mode with up to 4 players who can join in the chaos. While you can’t kill other players directly, your clones will. So if you thought it was chaotic in latter levels solo, with an additional three players, things can go balls to the walls crazy.

The game is designed with a cutesy 2D pixelated look. But due to the game’s repetitive nature and premise, there isn’t much variety in terms of overall level design. Environments and backgrounds do vary but in terms of obstacles and paths to reach the flag isn’t much different. The soundtrack is a cutesy soft score which contradicts the hecticness of the game. It’s also quite forgettable given you’ll zone it out and focus on your movements.

While the game starts off easy giving players a false sense of security, Spooky Chase ramps up the challenge fairly quickly which can put off some gamers. The other issue is that if you manage to go far in a level and die, you have to restart from the first area of the level instead of the area where you died. It doesn’t really give players chance to adapt, and I get why it’s like that given that each run varies based on your movements, but still frustrating.

Spooky Chase is a fun, unique, challenging, albeit slightly frustrating affair. Being forced to auto-run and only jump adds a layer of challenge that requires a Neo-level reaction. The fact that the game’s enemies are based on your movements is an interesting gameplay mechanic which encourages replay value. If you’re looking for a different type of challenge or a hectic party game, Spooky Game is definitely the game for you. Just be prepared to die often.

  • 75%
    CX Score - 75%



  • Unique gameplay mechanic
  • Hectic party game


  • Difficulty ramps up quickly
  • Restarting the whole level when dying

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