The Forest Cathedral, is a game that invites players to explore a mystical forest filled with ancient secrets, hidden dangers, and a mysterious cathedral at its heart. Released in March 2023 for XBOX, the game offers stunning visuals and an immersive atmosphere, but ultimately falls short in terms of gameplay and story.

The game’s graphics are undoubtedly its most exceptional aspect. The Forest Cathedral boasts realistic lighting, shadows, and textures, making the forest feel alive and vibrant. The varying plants, animals, and weather effects create an immersive environment for players to explore. The cathedral itself is awe-inspiring, featuring intricate architecture and painstakingly detailed design. Complementing the visuals is a dynamic soundtrack that adapts to the player’s situation and mood, further enhancing the gaming experience.

However, the gameplay is where The Forest Cathedral falters. Divided into chapters with different objectives and locations, players must find clues, collect items, and interact with objects to progress. While the puzzles mostly lean towards the easy and straightforward, some require more creative thinking. Stealth and combat elements are also present, tasking players with avoiding or confronting enemies in the forest and cathedral.

Despite these mechanics, the game suffers from a lack of variety and challenge. Puzzles can be repetitive, often relying on trial and error. The enemies are predictable, making them easy to evade or defeat. Furthermore, the game is plagued by bugs and glitches that can disrupt performance and immersion. Issues such as items not responding to player actions, enemies getting stuck in the environment, and camera and control problems in tight spaces or during combat can be frustrating.

The story of The Forest Cathedral is another area where the game disappoints. While attempting to create an atmosphere of mystery and intrigue, it fails to deliver a satisfying conclusion. The game offers little explanation about the forest, the cathedral, or the player’s role in the world. Plot holes and inconsistencies result in a confusing and illogical narrative. The absence of voice acting, dialogue, and meaningful choices or consequences further detracts from the story.

The Forest Cathedral is a game brimming with potential but hindered by its flaws. While the visuals and atmosphere are breathtaking, the lackluster gameplay and story may leave players feeling underwhelmed. The game may appeal to fans of exploration and puzzle-solving but will likely disappoint those looking for a more challenging and engaging experience. Ultimately, The Forest Cathedral is worth trying, but not an essential purchase.


  • 65%
    CX Score - 65%



  • Visuals
  • Atmosphere
  • Dynamic Soundtrack is impressive



  • Plot holes
  • Absence of voice acting
  • Lack of variety

By Duncan

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