Tiny Troopers : Global Ops, an old-school twin stick shooter with a light hearted and childlike tone.

Firstly, there’s a Geordie, who is also called Geordie. For me, this would usually be a huge positive (as Geordies are massively under-represented in games), but is annoying more than anything. You see, the voice actors have been hooked up to helium and this destroys any connections you may have had.

Once I figured that I’d just skip the “humerous banter”, there’s a enjoyable game to be found.

On the surface, it’s extremely simple and accessible. In true twin-stick fashion, you control movement with one stick and aim with the other. It’s aim-lite, if anything, as it locks onto whichever enemy is in the rough direction you’re aiming at. You can then roll (which is on a cool down) or shoot. It wouldn’t be a twin-stick shooter without the shooting, eh?

The aim is to fight through various missions, whilst upgrading your Trooper so you have a better chance of survival. Missions are generally set up in the same way, which can get a tad repetitive. Fight through bad guys, find an utterly random collectable, fight off a few waves of bad guys and to the next collectable to repeat. 

Between missions, you can head to the armoury for some upgrades. This ranges from increasing rank, armour and speed, through to increasing your squad size and unlocking new weapons.

All in all, it’s a nice enough experience. I do feel like I’m not the target age range though, as the core gameplay loop is a little simple and repetitive. The humour and styling is also geared to the younger audience. There’s a multiplayer element, which I didn’t manage to try, but I’d imagine it’d be great fun for younger players.

Written by Shaun, the Geordie Hobbit (@Shaun0Shire on twitter)

  • 65%
    CX Score - 65%



  • Accessible
  • Intuitive controls
  • You can skip the cutscenes



  • Repetitive
  • Humour misses the mark
  • Voices

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